FogelDProvost Rogan Kersh and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Dean Bradley Jones have appointed Dan Fogel as the new Graduate Program Director for Sustainability and Graduate Research Professor in Sustainability.

Fogel, whose experiences span the globe, has served as the Dean of the International Management Center in Budapest, Dean of the Czech Management Center in Prague, Associate Dean at the University of Pittsburgh and Tulane, and Dean of Charlotte Programs at the WFU School of Business. His research and teaching areas include environmental sustainability, global sustainable business and strategy, strategic change management, and innovation for medium and large organizations.  His current focus is on how organizations adopt sustainability practices and principles as part of their core strategies.

Dr. Miles Silman, Professor of Biology and Director of the WFU Center for Energy, Environment, and Sustainability welcomes Fogel’s expertise and passion for leadership: “Dan has lifelong experiences in starting and building businesses, centers, and educational programs.  He has won teaching award after teaching award in graduate business education, and we’re excited to have him on-board to direct the next in his long-line of successful ventures.”

In Fogel’s words, “The exciting parts of this new program are its breadth and its potential impact.  I am working with world-class faculty members from various disciplines and staff who are cohesive in their commitment to educate the next generations of sustainability leaders. Doing all of this in the context of Wake Forest University is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

In addition to directing the program, Fogel will be leading the Sustainable Organizational Management course offered in the spring semester.

Fogel received his B.S. and M.A. from the Pennsylvania State University and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin.  He has held academic positions at the University of Houston, Tulane University, and the University of Pittsburgh. He has served as a senior manager at two oil companies and a hospital system.
