Opportunity for Research:
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Capacity Development
on Protected Areas Management in Peru

The “Science and Capacity Development for Peruvian National Parks” project is a 3-year effort between Wake Forest University, the Pontifical Catholic University in Perú, and Colorado State University´s Center for Protected Area Management, carried out in close cooperation with the Peruvian National Protected Areas Service (SERNANP).

The goal of this project is to increase park management effectiveness through

  • increased availability of scientific information to assist park decision-makers, including increased capacity in protected areas staff to use and apply the science, and
  • increased staff capacity through training in leadership, critical thinking and protected area management concepts and techniques.

Funding is available to support a research project/consultancy focused on the effectiveness of capacity building actions. 

A pilot project carried out between 2020-2022 collected data on park managers´ perceptions of the utility and availability of scientific information.  These data are available to the researcher.

Requirements of the position are:

  • Peer-reviewed publications in the subject area
  • Familiarity with protected areas and their management
  • Fluency in Spanish and English language (speaking, reading, writing)
  • Prior experience working in Peru is highly desired

Please send a CV and a write-up of no more than 500 words discussing how you would go about the work.  Questions and correspondence should be sent to  mitchelc@wfu.edu

Applications will be accepted through April 15th 2024 or until filled.
