Welcoming the Next Generation of Peru’s Indigenous Leaders

Sabin Center welcomes a delegation of young Amazonian leaders to kick off the second year of our “Connecting Cultures” program
Sabin Center welcomes a delegation of young Amazonian leaders to kick off the second year of our “Connecting Cultures” program
Our inaugural Sabin Center conference will bring together leaders in environmental stewardship from government, academia, NGOs, and the private sector to share emerging solutions to the urgent environmental crises facing our world. Our keynote will be delivered by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Elizabeth Kolbert, one of the […]
Young leaders from six Indigenous nations in the Peruvian Amazon will head back home with a new vision and resources to tackle pressing environmental and social issues in their communities. During their visit to Wake Forest University this month, the Indigenous leader delegation spent several […]
Gold and mineral mining in and near rivers across the tropics is degrading waterways in 49 countries, according to a new study by a team of researchers including Wake Forest University biologists and computer scientists in its Center for Energy, Environment, and Sustainability (CEES). Published […]
To effectively combat climate change, humanity needs to both stop putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and to lock away at least some that we’ve already unleashed, a process called carbon sequestration. Reforestation — replanting trees at large scale — is often touted as a […]
Never have the stakes been higher, nor perhaps planetary politics or nature more unsettled, as participants gather for the annual United Nations Climate Summit. Indicative of a global sense of urgency, the European parliament just last week declared a “climate and environmental emergency,” urging EU countries to commit to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Bob Buckley, reporter for My Fox News Channel 8, talked with CEES Director, Dr. Miles Silman, about the research he has conducted with Wake Forest University’s Centro de Innovación Científica Amazónica (CINCIA) to reduce illegal gold mining […]
December 18, 2018 by Kim McGrath | mcgratka@wfu.edu & Alicia Roberts | media@wfu.edu Gold jewelry on your holiday shopping list? Before you buy that special someone a statement piece this season, scientists studying climate change and the fate of the world’s vital rainforests ask you to consider […]
By Wake Forest University Communications & External Relations Katie Neal (’03) and Alicia Roberts (WINSTON-SALEM, NC, November 8, 2018) – Small-scale gold mining has destroyed more than 170,000 acres of primary rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon in the past five years, according to a new analysis by […]
As of 2017, thirty-eight percent of Peru’s forests were lost to deforestation due to gold mining in the area. But there is hope. Wake Forest researchers have developed newfound ways to reforest and heal the soil that is left poisoned by mercury. “What we’ve had […]