Welcoming the Next Generation of Peru’s Indigenous Leaders

Connecting Cultures Returns to WFU On Monday, September 9, the Sabin Center will welcome a delegation of young Amazonian leaders to Wake Forest to kick off the second year of our “Connecting Cultures” program. This groundbreaking initiative, which also brings our guests to the University […]

Join Us Oct 9 – 11

Our inaugural Sabin Center conference will bring together leaders in environmental stewardship from government, academia, NGOs, and the private sector to share emerging solutions to the urgent environmental crises facing our world. Our keynote will be delivered by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Elizabeth Kolbert, one of the […]

Strengthening the next generation of Peruvian Amazonian Leaders

Young leaders from six Indigenous nations in the Peruvian Amazon will head back home with a new vision and resources to tackle pressing environmental and social issues in their communities. During their visit to Wake Forest University this month, the Indigenous leader delegation spent several […]

Sustainability across the Curriculum

The sixth annual Magnolias Curriculum Project brought together 14 faculty members on May 10-11, 2017, to develop innovative course components that will inspire systems thinking in students and empower an understanding of sustainability through a variety of lenses. During this two-day workshop, participants discussed […]

Experts discuss energy, environment, and climate policy

“For climate change, the future is already here, it’s not just something that’s going to happen a couple of generations in the future,” John Knox, professor of law, said at a CEES policy panel exploring energy, environment, and climate policy under the Trump Administration on […]

Lions in the balance

Conflict between predators and people have existed as long as we have. Most large predators were eradicated from North America and Europe over the past few hundred years. And even as we have cemented ourselves securely atop the global food web we still sometimes find […]

Celebration of the inaugural Masters in Sustainability class

On May 7th, the inaugural class of Wake Forest Masters in Sustainability (MASus) graduate students and the program faculty celebrated their time together, and the tremendous amount of work it took to reach graduation, with an end-of-year reception. Two students were acknowledged as having particularly […]

CEES in Belize

The Lighthouse Reef Atoll off the coast of Belize, one of the most pristine marine environments in the Caribbean Sea, has become an educational destination during spring break for Wake Forest students and faculty studying climate change and sustainability. During Spring Break, two groups from […]
