Clift named Associate Director of Outreach

The Masters in Sustainability program is pleased to welcome Jon Clift as the new Associate Director of Outreach. Jon graduated from Duke University with a Masters of Environmental Management from the Nicholas School of the Environment and has a background in design, marketing, and […]

An interview with Richard Schneider

Richard Schneider, Associate Dean for International Affairs and Professor of Law will be leading the Environmental Law and Policy class in the new Masters in Sustainability this fall.  Schneider serves as the Legal Chair for the North Carolina Chapter of the Sierra Club and […]

John Knox advocates for human rights and environmental law

John Knox, Wake Forest professor of International Law, advances the ideals of Pro Humanitate on a global scale.  An internationally recognized expert on human rights and environmental law, he is currently serving as the first United Nations Independent Expert on human rights obligations relating […]

Improving Human Rights and the Environment

A Wake Forest Law professor is on a mission: to improve human rights and the environment around the world. John Knox, who has been involved in human rights and environmental issues for over two decades, is now helping shape the development of international human […]
