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Sabin Center Affiliates from Wake Forest’s School of Business and School of Law explore legal, economic, and managerial solutions to society’s environmental challenges.

Drawing on the diverse and practical expertise of its members and colleagues, these researchers strive to enhance understanding of the policy frameworks, business practices and regulatory regimes that impact the development and implementation of emerging technologies and the evolving governance techniques related to the environment and energy resources.

Energy Policy Insights

Faculty Affiliates conduct ongoing analysis of federal and state level policies that impact the development of renewable energy resources throughout the country. The crafting of coherent and effective governmental policies that promote the expanded use of renewable energy resources is crucial to continue on the path toward widespread adoption.

Enterprise Innovation

As the first Director of Sustainability Initiatives for the School of Business, Sabin Center Board Member Ashley Wilcox brings innovative experiential learning to students interested in shaping the economy’s next chapter to deliver sustainable results. From facilitating Food Waste innovation with industry leaders to bold new courses on the circular economy, Wilcox is changing the conversation at the Business School and beyond.